Thursday, April 22, 2010

HK-Visits 2/12 -4-16 totalling 7 visits to date
(Please note that I am usually not assigned any students for my VIPs project. I arrived during Math or Science Lessons. Therefore, I am observing this classroom and occassionally get up on my own to help a student if he/she needs assistance. I walk around the class to observe each student's quality of work. ) I have not come across any behavior problems. I have asked Ms. L How much she is paying these students to be well behaved each time I observe. She chuckled and asked "really" I truly think they are good. She said it took alot of training in the beginning of the year. I asked her to write down her strategies and she chuckled again.
Therefore as part of my blogging assignment, It is necessary to explain my observations.

Math Lesson: Fraction Stip - Equivalent = Equal - Part of a whole to compare fractions.
3/4 find 1/4 strip to pain 3/4 of a wall

***4 3 out of 4 Kevin
**44 2 out of 4 Tina
Who painted more of their wall? 3/4 is greater than 2/5 so kevin painted more.
Math Test: Students correct their own papers. (note: all passed with raised hands) (something to think about!)
16 student taking a reading test.
Signs on walls around the room:
Grammer Rules: Capitalization/Usage/punctuation/Spelling (signs on walls)
Class Schedule on board:
9:35 - 10:35 a.m music
10:35-10:05 art
11:05 -ll:35 Lunch
12:15- 1:55 DI - Reading Direct Instruction
1:55 - 2:05 Bathroom break
2:05 - 3:55 Math/Science

Homework Assignment on board: 1 reading log/2 math practice
Math Lesson:
Problem of the Day:
You need $50.00 to go to the Computer Camp. You have save $18.50 You will earn $22. 25 doing odd jobs. How much more money do you need to go to camp.


This is a multi-step problem
Q. What does Multi - step mean?
A. More than one step
Q. What mathamatical sentence do we write?
A. $18.50 (make sure you line up the decimal pt.)
+ 22.25

Q. Are we finished here?
A No
We need to find the difference of $50.00 and $40.75 = $9.25

The class is still doing their reading assignments. Evidentally, more than half of the class failed, therefore the teacher cannot move on to the next lesson. She is teaching Morphagraphs: ie. dislike, removable, tightening, unprintable, greatly, shameful, research. She reveiws these words over and over again. The students are struggling with them. She writes them on the board, but tells them she need to move on to her planned math lesson.
Today she is giving a math test on fractions. She asked me to sit outside with 3 students that seem to need less distractions while testing.
(not very productive for me, but helpful for the teacher and student as they we're able to recieve the proper services needed)

The class is doing reading comprehension questions, therefore, I am not able to assist as they have already read their stories. I notice a student sitting along in front of the class. His teacher was absent so I helped him with his work sheets. He understood his work, but procratinated as he had all day to do it. I helped him finish the sheets. He didn't have to do it for homework.
I guess this was productive for both of us.

Math Lesson:
Ruler Lesson: The teacher drew a ruler on the board and had students cut rulers out from a ditto.
1. Keep these rulers in your homework folder
2. Find the ruler that has #'s on it. How long is that ruler? A. 6 inches
Unit = inches
Teacher explains the System = Standard units of Measurements
Half way between 0 and 1 = 1/2
Half way between 1 and 2 = 1 1/2
She has the students measure their pinky finger and feet to the nearest inch.

14 students today
Science lesson - (being taught as I arrive)
On large white note pad in front of class teacher writes
What affect does or temerature have on evaporation?
Warmer temperatures will speed up the evaporation process. Colder temperature will slow down the evaporation process.

Math Lesson: Flips white note pad and askes students to take out Math books.
What do you step on to weigh yourself? a scale
People - pounds - heavy
She shows a small plastic block? This is ounces And askes How man ounces do i need to make 1 pound? = 16
5 quarters = about an ounce
12 lbs = 32 ounces How many ounces in 2 lbs? How about 3lbs of apples?
16+16+16=48 The class answers this together.
Now she shows them Capacity:
1pint = 2 cups
1quart = 2 pints
1 gallon= 4 quarts
Units of weight = 16 ounces = 1 pound 2,000 pound = 1 ton
She asks What is the biggest? Gallon, cups, pint or quarts.

Now she writes down a problem and has them solve it?
The problem is : What weighs more a pound of Rocks or a pound of feathers? and why?
(note: This was a lot for the students to obsorb. The teacher was just introducing this lesson. I'm sure she plans to elaborate on it in the next week.) (This problem was cute!) The students did not get it.)

Math lesson
Problem Solving Lesson- Mathematic System
Problem of the day!
Maggie is hanging banners in a row on the wall. What is the length of 4 banners in a row if each banner is 3 ft long?
Strategy: Make a table and find a pattern

number of banners 1 2 3 4 5 6

Length of
Banners put 3ft 6ft 9ft 12ft 15ft 18ft

Teacher: Do you see a pattern? yes count by 3's

Now take your books out and do problems 7, 8 and 9.
I observed and helped students as I walked around the room. One boy had difficulty with it and was very slow. I did as much as i could in the amount of time to help him.

Math Lesson
Another Math group came into the class and did a Multiplication relay. I kept score.
The class got loud, the other teacher had to repremand them a few time to "keep it down"
This was a fun afternoon for all!!!

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