Monday, April 5, 2010

Teaching Boys and Girls Separately-by Elizabeth Weil
This article was very informative and gave a lot of facts about the differences in male and female students in school. It's an argument as to whether or not single sex education is better or worst. This dispute takes place due to the fact that there's and ongoing education crisis for white, middle-class boys, and that public schools are failing minority students in general and poor minority boys. Administrators are trying to find something else because "coed is not working." (Benjamin Write, Chief administrative office for the Nashville public schools)
Consequently, the decision to send a child to a same-sex school is most likely the parents choice. Therefore the educators can put it out there for suggestions, but it may not be for everyone.
There are many reasons why a parent may find that same-sex education may be suitable for their child. Competition, academics, and socialization. Competition-some girls may be less likely to join a sports team due to the stereotyping of being called a "tom-boy" Academics-girls may have more confidence in taking science/engineering due to the competitiveness of boys may know it better. As well as boys may have more confidence in joining the school choir or theater programs. In regards to socialization-there would not be any reason to try to impress the opposite sex, teasing and flirting wouldn't happen as much. Although, it would be hard to find a date for the prom, but there's always extracurricular activities outside of school. Single sex schools may be considered for those families that have just one parent. Boys would find father figures and girls as well could do the same in single sex school. Single-sex schools can help teachers tailor their plans for just girls or just boys. Single-sex education has been known to help build confidence and self-esteem. That's enough to agree with sending your child to a single-sex school. Building confidence and self esteem goes along way in this mixed up world we live in.
The data presented in this article does not suggest either way that single sex education is better or worst. Riordan say, "You're never going to be able to compare tow types of schools and say "the date very strongly suggests that schools that look like a are better than schools that look like b. It is best to compile ones own information and research to decide what's best for your own child. Ask questions like: Do I want my child to be well-prepare with challenges that are presented to him? Do I want my child to have high career goals? Will same-sex education benefit him? If you answer "yes", then maybe same-sex education would be best for him. Visit the school alone, then let your child visit. After researching you may find that single sex education might be beneficial to him/her, or not.

1 comment:

  1. Separating boys and girls is the wrong thing to do. Limiting socialization on these will only help them to grow up feeling only comfortable around the same sex
