Monday, February 22, 2010

Hunger of Memory-Rodriguez

The title fits this article all so well. I feel sorry for Rodriguez. His Spanish roots are dying and he doesn't want it to happen. This reminds me of Wind-Wolf except his father and mother don't want to lose their language and culture. They want to share it. They are not ashamed. They are proud of their roots.Rodriguez's parents were helping him by speaking English at home. He eventually learned. Rodriguez is proud too, unfortunately he really didn't have a choice. I believe this is why different languages are now offered in many schools today.
I went to a funeral this past Friday and sat with my cousins who all reminisced about our parents speaking Italian around the Sunday table at Mama's and Papa's house. We all wished we could speak Italian. Our parents speak English as a 1st language and very seldom do they use their Italian. It's sad. I'm thinking about taking an Italian class in the future. My son is planning to do so too. Hopefully, we can keep it going.

Terry Meier

I loved this reading. It really showed the importance of storybook reading in multilingual, multicultural classrooms. It talks about how children relate better to stories that show pictures of themselves and tells about their own lives. African American children see "brown skin" on the faces of the characters and Mexican children read their own language. It makes them feel like they are a part of the story. Or may give them something to relate their lives to while reading. The paragraph about Children using language in powerful ways was funny to read. I do remember doing what Marisa did when her dad asked "Whom are you going to hit?" I remember doing this myself when I was a little girl. We called it the "name game" It brought back a memory that was locked away. "Mama Mama Have you seen my dumpling?" example was a very smart one as well as Lem and the Railroad Track poem. They all showed how reading and poetry go hand in hand. And how it helps children learn. Reading books to young children open their minds to vocabulary, life lessons, family issues and much more. This article is very important. As an Elementary Ed. major it gave me ideas to use in my own classroom. I do remember one that was used in the article and used when my daughter was in 1st grade. It was the puppet and the story books. Her teacher would send a journal home along with the book and a puppet once a month. She did this to encourage parents reading to their children. We had to journal what our child had to say about the story. This process also engaged the parent and the child in authentic conversation as well as with the class. The journal was read to the class the next day and the children and teacher conversed about the comments we made. Great article and awesome references.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Friday, Feb. 12: VIP Assignment
Two men walking the street yelled "Woooooo"at me in my car!! Let's not talk about 1st impressions. Needless to say I sat in my car til they walked away and ate a whole box of Valentine chocolates while on the phone with my husband. He told me not to lock the car door, they would break in anyway. I guess I'm a stress eater! I was buzzed into the school and noticed a woman in a wheel chair. She was monitoring a line of students at the bathroom. She was yelling very loudly at them. Then I walked into the office signed in and asked to use the restroom. I walked out of the office and the restroom was near a classroom. The teacher was loudly yelling at her class. The third grade class that I went to turned out to be very nice and I had a pleasant and rewarding visit. I helped a couple students with a math lesson in fractions. I left the class feeling sooo good.

Monday, February 15, 2010


The White Privilege was easily compared to Johnson. McIntosh and Johnson both mention situations of African Americans feelings of discomfort, disadvantages and being less privileged. They both talk about feelings of oppression. While reading I was also trying to find an answer on how to end this racial discrimination/segregation. McIntosh also asked "Having described it what will I do to lessen it?" It's so hard to figure this out. The "26" conditions kept me thinking, but the one that stood out the most was the color of a bandage. I never even thought about it. I mentioned back in Johnson that Privilege was "earned." Wow, am I ignorant. The more an more I read about this issue of race. The feelings of oppression get worst. It's so embarrassing.
Jonathan Kozol, Amazing Grace, tells a few different stories about the people living in Washington Heights and Harlem. Poverty stricken people, drug addicts, prostitution, murders etc. The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation. Pretty sad so far. Unbelievable to know that it's happening in the United States today. Meeting in a parks to hand out needles? Bad conditions in the Hospitals. How can this be allowed. P.23 Explains "power" & "evil" "rich" & "poor"
Video: Racism - Andrew Prashad u-tube (don't know how to download it)
(Note:Hispanic and 1/3 Black) Would like to read the rest.